Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Dear Diary,

On Saturday night I went to a rooftop party with my old church. I was seated next to a very handsome guy. Oh, he's  a cutie, I thought to myself as I sat down. I was glad I looked kinda cute that night! I decided to wait a few minutes to see if he was going to initiate convo, if he didn't, I would take matters into my own hands. After sitting there next to him quietly for about three minutes,  I "mistakenly" dropped some lip balm out of my purse and of course it just so happened to land near his feet. "Excuse me,"  I said as I leaned down to pick up my lip balm and he of course said, "No problem," and began a conversation. We chatted all night.
We talked about everything from Martin, to Kevin Hart, to TNT. When the music came on we  danced together, made jokes, and really just enjoyed each other in that moment. After we finished dancing we sat back down and I asked him the time. He pulled out his phone and told me that it was 10:40pm. I said ," Oh okay, it's only 20 minutes left because it ends at 11." He looks at me and yells "This is foolish" and I said"Huh". He then said  said , "This is foolish", got up, and walked off , never to return again!!

Wth, Did I miss something????



  1. lol, his curfew was up! next time, say "hey, i had a really nice time and would like to do it again. let me put my number in your phone." you will make their day! not all guys are great closers. its the hardest part

  2. His carriage was on the verge of turning into a pumpkin...and he was about to be transformed back into a toad.
    Agree w BJ.

  3. Um why didn't you ask what the F*%&&^% he was talking about? LOL. Also, BJ is right guys are not normally given compliments or come on to by women it really does boost their ego and make their day. Next time be more forward, can't hurt especially if it ends the same way...LOL

  4. Sometimes guys are nice just to be nice! Maybe that girl thought she look cute, but that's not always the case. #Realtalk
