Monday, December 10, 2012


Recently I’ve been seeing the phrase , “ Chivalry isn’t dead- it just went to the same place being ladylike went”. After I saw this statement  the first time I said, Hmm yea yea that sounds right – where are all of the"Ladies"? Do women even know how to be "Ladies" anymore or know how a lady is "supposed" to act? Seems like society has been glorifying the “ratchet” and the “fake” for so long, some of us woudn’t know a lady if she smacked us in the face! However, after pondering the quote some more I thought, “ Why does a woman have to “act” a certain way for a man to just treat her with the basic respect any human being deserves?” What happened to a man just honoring her “womanhood” without knowing anything about her at all? What happened to the men who just were taught to have manners and be chivalrous in the company of all women no matter what she looked like or acted like. It seems as though society is doing a pretty good job of emasculating men.

Emasculating in the sense of a man’s actions are contingent on what a woman is doing or not doing. Why don’t you just do what is right regardless? Even if a woman has not discovered her self- worth and is engaging in less than lady like behavior, is it really necessary to further debase her just because she “allows” it?  That logic is like saying it’s okay to abuse animals or children because they allow us to. NO, it’s not okay. At some point men need to get a moral code and just stick to it no matter what – the same way they stick to the G code, the Guy Code and whatever else. Women are deserving of respect, not because they act or look a certain way, but because we are the Givers of Life , therefore, take our GIFT seriously and treat us as such.

Link to Dating Diaries on!


  1. I think that all women are capable of acting lady like - for the right guy. And by the right guy, I mean a man who is her "type," who also has the right leadership skills. Today, a lot of men lack the credibility and willpower for real leadership. Women are now effectively being forced into this power vacuum. Men can learn leadership skills via joining organizations (participate as a board member), traveling extensively, and/or starting businesses. Leadership is not necessarily taught in school.

  2. Chivalry and being Ladylike are still present, just may have changed a bit from previous generations and not easily visible or seen. I feel it might depend of the person and situation they're in. Some men will show chivalry just be kind based on what's right and their upbringing, possibly even common sense, because it's the right thing to do. Others, may not be aware of this. Some women may be more ratchet than ladylike because they either don't know how to act like a lady, or (scary) might not want to. I agree with the poster above, leadership is not taught though traces of it can be picked up by someone. Common sense, does not have to be taught however.

  3. This post entirely misses the point. No where does the phrase in question imply that men should have good manner only with ladylike women. Instead, the phrase simply observes the decline in manners in both men and women. If there's any implication, it's that both genders have an equal responsibility to be more respectful.
