Monday, December 17, 2012


Dear Diary,

I met Alana at an Election Night Watch Party and we seemed to hit it off pretty quickly. She was cute and funny and seemed intelligent. We exchanged numbers and quickly arranged a date the following weekend.  That Saturday we met at Clyde’s downtown DC and had a really good time. She was pleasant and the conversation flowed.  After our great evening, we arranged for a second date. She wanted to see a movie at the IMAX Theater in Columbia, MD which I agreed to. When we arrived at the theater we both realized that we had the wrong movie time and were two hours early. I purchased the tickets and told her we could find something else to do while we waited for the movie. She said since I was nice enough to buy the tickets she would treat me to dinner before the movie. I said okay and we grabbed a bite to eat. After we ate we went inside the theater. While in the theater, she grabbed my hand to hold it and started to kind of rub my arm. I was thinking, Okay I guess she feelin me and went along with it. When we left the theater she offered to drive me to her car and I thanked her and hopped in with her. When she pulled up to my car I leaned in to give her a kiss good-night since she was feeling me in the movie and we had chemistry. All we did was kiss, and I got out of the car and said good-bye.

The following day was Thanksgiving and Alana was leaving town but she said she would keep in touch over the break which she did. Upon her return, I sent her a text asking when she would be available to hang again and she did not respond. I thought that was weird since she responded any other time and sent her a few more texts with no response until finally she wrote back, “I am not interested in seeing you anymore.” Confused I responded, “Huh what are you talking about? “to which she replied, “ You allowed me to pay for dinner on our second date which was rude in my opinion and then you kissed me in the car after,” .  After a few more back and forth texts I concluded that this chick was crazy and deleted her out of my phone.

Question: Was I wrong for allowing her to pay for our meal SINCE SHE OFFERED on our second date????? Also, when is too soon to kiss someone?


  1. No the guy wasn't wrong. What she wanted was for him to say; No, I will pay. But people aren't mind readers. Just move on.

  2. Sounds like she played herself. Sounds like shes trying to think like a lady and act like a man, lol.

  3. Po' li'l tink tink. Some of these chicks be tripping out here. Dude, you weren't wrong since she offered...and did good by deleting her from your phone. On to the next one. The world is supposed to end on Friday. Live ya life...and leave the lames alone.

  4. Don't think this man was wrong by any means. She offered to pay. Rule of thumb I've always followed; the person who offers to go out or offers to pay, pays. But like another poster stated, she may have wanted him to debunk her offer to pay, and insist on paying himself anyway. Strange...but keep it movin my friend.

  5. You didnt allow her to, she volunteered and offered to pay. She is crazy. glad you stopped talking to her. I guess she wanted you to stop her and ou pay, but why should you when she offered. You did everything right you even arranged for a second date, that is what us women love the most. Did you at least offer to tip? lol

  6. Crazy Crazy Crazy. Don't offer if you really don't want to pay. Stop playing the games and be a real woman.

  7. That shortie needs to get off her high horse. What's wrong with a lady paying for something once in awhile? That's how you get a man. Guys like when their date pays for something once in awhile, it displays that you have the ability to do that (At least you got some bread). Hey, a least she didn't have to cook?! Or is that asking too much in 2012?

  8. Run. Far. Away.

    I'm in agreement with the other commenters. She is playing games out the gate, not a good sign at ALL. Also, as far as the kissing part, if you felt the chemistry and went in for the kill, kudos. She's kray like a Kanye song so don't let it deter your confidence with future women and kissing and don't EVER ASK IF YOU MAY KISS SOMEONE....just do it.
