Monday, August 6, 2012


Dear Diary,

At this point in my life, I decided that maybe taking a break from dating wouldn't be a bad idea. I was constantly getting my hopes up with men not worth my time only to leave me with my feelings hurt, frustrated, and disappointed over and over again. I told myself that taking a break from dating would probably be best. It would give me a chance to reflect on who I was, and what I will and will not tolerate in a relationship. I had to stop stressing on what men wanted and focus on what I want and need in my life. It was time to put me first! 

Well, needless to say, all that changed once I went to THE WEDDING. A few weeks ago I attended a wedding of a mutual friend over the weekend. Like all weddings, it was beautiful, and I definitely had a good time. I also met a man named Shawn.Shawn and I locked eyes the moment we saw each other. I was instantly attracted to him and I could tell that the feeling was mutual. During the break after the ceremony, we sat next to each other and got to know one another till it was time for the reception to start. I must say I was intrigued by his demeanor and charm. He asked me if I would join him for a drink after the wedding which I promptly agreed to (since the wedding was cash bar, I know…don’t ask). We went to Red Sky in Laurel, MD for some drinks. The conversation was great. We were getting to know each other. He just turned 30, had a good paying job, rode a motorcycle (sports bike) and had a 3 year old daughter. I really enjoyed his company. I thought to myself maybe this guy could be something special, but in order for me to know that I really needed, I had  to take my time and get to know him. I wanted to do this differently. I didn’t want to rush into another “situation” and get played. We eventually exchanged numbers and kissed towards the end of the evening. I thought to myself, WOW, attractive man, good conversationalist, and a great kisser. Luck must finally be on my side!  He asked me out on an actual date at the end of the night and we decided to meet at Jasper’s in Largo, MD (two days after the wedding) for dinner. From the time we sat down till the time we left, Shawn’s true colors come out.

The man went on a vicious rant on how he felt as though he was not getting a positive vibe from me, how he wanted to make sure I was not taking advantage of him and so on. I was speechless. He also caught an attitude with me because I wouldn’t allow him to touch my breasts, ass or goodies when he wanted to be affectionate with me in the booth that we were sitting in. I told him that touching me in those areas leads to sex and I wasn’t ready to take that step with him just yet. We just met two days ago, cmon man, chill out. He continued to talk about how women have hurt and taken advantage of him in the past. Meanwhile, he told me that he was sexually frustrated and hadn’t had sex since March and gave me a look like I should help him out in that department. The rant went on for hours and he sounded like an emotionally broken and damaged man who was taking out his sexual frustration and anger out on me!

  I started to feel anxious and uncomfortable around him. This was not the kind of date I had in mind. WTF is happening right now?!?! Who is this guy?!?! My first date with a man after a long hiatus and this is the treatment I get?!?!? WHY?!? I couldn’t take it anymore. So, I told him that I was ready to go and he gave me the coldest, evilest look ever. I felt as though he was going to backhand me for insulting him. The waitress puts the check on the table and he looks at me and says “So you got that right?!?” OMG!!! I couldn’t believe those words come out of his mouth. Talk about being shocked. I was like, “No, I am not paying for the check.” Then he went on and on about how “we” women are all the same, blah blah blah while he takes out money and folds his arms with an attitude. We started to have a debate back and forth about the check. I’m thinking, you asked me out, WTF I look like paying for the date. It was getting late, I was tired and my head was starting to hurt so I finally gave in and paid for the bill. In my 29 years on earth, I have NEVER EVER paid for a date. I was so pissed. I felt disgusted and disrespected. We walked out and he walked me to my car and tried to give me a hug and goodnight kiss. I told him that I wasn’t feeling too good and needed to get home ASAP. He was like," Oh okay ,well I hope you feel better and call me when you get in." I got in my car and zoomed home. I had the worst headache at work the next day and this fool had the nerve to call me to see how I was doing and how he wanted to see me again. WTF!!! I told his ass never to call me again and expressed how I felt during our date and that he needed therapy. He felt as though he did nothing wrong and proceeded to tell me how  I was missing out on a “great guy” over something petty. If this man wasn't sick in the head or what. Talk about a date from HELL.

What do you think? What would you have done if you experienced this "Wedding Crasher" from hell!  Would you have paid the bill? Would you have told him off? Tell us your thoughts!


  1. WTF. I know these stories are real life but I have to ask if this is for real. I can't believe a grown man is acting like this. Oh my how things have change. smh

    1. Plenty of "grown" men act like this...

  2. Yes alll of these stories are real ufortunatly! What would you have done?

  3. What a funny story. I hope that girl finds love.

  4. WOW!!! Now that is crazy. smh He seriously needs help. She should NOT have paid. I would have politely told him Im leaving, and would have just left him at the tabe with the bill, and drove myself home.

  5. That's funny, crazy, & sad at the same time. Many men would have atleast covered the bill even if the date went south. Rule of thumb is whoever does the inviting usually covers the bill. Men should always cover in my opinion.

  6. "In my 29 years on earth, I have NEVER EVER paid for a date." <--- Could be the reason why you are single. I assume that you have been on more than just "first dates" in your 29 years, right? So you mean on subsequent dates with the same man you STILL never offer to pick up the tab or take him out? A little reciprocation goes a long way.
